
White Paper on the Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) Islands part 1

Mô tả
This White Paper is designed to demonstrate the validity of the claims made by the Republic of Vietnam. It is also an appeal for justice to the conscience of all law abiding and peace-loving nations in the world. Throughout legal basis, geographic and historic background etc,…The White Paper proves that Vietnam fulfils all the conditions required by international law to assert its claim to possession of these islands at the same time solemnly denounce the occupation of these Vietnamese territories by foreign troops. Regarding the Hoang Sa (Paracel) Islands, not only was the gross violation of Vietnamese sovereignty by the People's Republic of China a defiance of the law of nations and the Charter of the United Nations: in-as-much as this involved the use of force by a world power against a small country in Asia, it also constitutes a threat to peace and stability in South East Asia.
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