
Ian Storey, Intra-ASEAN Dynamics and the South China Sea Dispute: Implications for the DoC/CoC Process and ZoPFFC Proposal

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In addition to China’s intransigence, conflict management and a resolution of the South China Sea dispute has been hindered by problems of inter-ASEAN dynamics, and especially the issue of consensus. Because the South China Sea is vital to the economic and food security prospects of Southeast Asia, ASEAN member states have a strongly vested interest in stability and a peaceful settlement of the dispute. But ASEAN does not support the claims of four of its members nor does it take a position on the validity of China’s claims. While Vietnam and the Philippines have championed a Code of Conduct (CoC) for the South China Sea, China’s reluctance to pursue such a code presents a significant obstacle. The Philippine proposal to transform the South China Sea into a Zone of Peace, Freedom, Friendship and Cooperation (ZoPFFC) is also problematic due to  opposition from Beijing and because it may require ASEAN to take a position on China’s expansive claims. In short, the prospects of realizing a CoC and the ZoPFFC are not very bright.
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