
ANNUAL REPORT TO [U.S] CONGRESS: Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China 2010

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As President Obama has said, “[the U.S.-China] relationship has not been without disagreement and difficulty.  But the notion that we must be adversaries is not pre-destined.”  Sustained and reliable U.S.-China military-to-military relations support this goal by reducing mistrust, enhancing mutual understanding  and broadening cooperation.  China’s recurring decision to suspend military exchanges has impeded this effort.  The Department of Defense will continue to use its interactions with China to encourage it to play a constructive role in addressing common security challenges in Asia and globally.  At  the same time, the Department of Defense has a special responsibility to monitor China’s military and to deter conflict.  Through force posture, presence, capability developments, and actions  to strengthen alliances and partnerships, the Department of Defense demonstrates the United States’ will and ability to maintain peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific.  
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